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  • amandarlopez02

Truth is the New Black

Orange Is the New Black is another show that is not afraid to tackle real-life issues head-on. They do so in a dramedy mood. The creators of the show present serious issues but also lighten things up with lighter topics. They don’t glamorize nor do they go over the top with their portrayal of life behind bars. They present their characters in a humanized way that has been down on their luck or just given a bad head start in life.

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Prison Life

Not surprisingly one of the main themes and storylines in the show is the prison system. Just like the estimated 2.12 people in the prison system, we see how new inmates struggle to adapt to their new surroundings. We see how those who already adapted and expect others to follow the system they have in place. If you don’t follow their system or just rub someone the wrong way, be expected to face the consequences.

Just like one of the characters, Piper Chapman, learned the hard way. On one of her first days in life behind bars, she made the mistake of insulating the food served in the cafeteria in front of the inmate who ran the kitchen. Due to this little, small comment on her part, she was subsequently denied access to the food served in the cafeteria and was denied access to any other sort of food or snacks she may get her hands on. This is just one example of the severe and unusual punishments that inmates might put on each other for not following their set rules or being disrespected in the smallest way.


Thought-out the show we see the characters going through many types of racism. Whether it is between the prisoners or the guards, it's a very common scenario and something many prisoners face in real life. Where in the prison system the race and color of someone’s skin is a major factor in how they’ll be treated and who they can socialize with.

From the moment the main character, Piper, steps into Litchfield Prison, we see the hint of racism that is yet to come. When Piper first goes to her first cell, we see a fellow inmate, Lorna Morello, leading the tour. It’s very notable that Lorna only helps fellow inmates of the same race, by giving them toothbrushes and tissues which the prison does not provide for free.

When asked about this, Lorna is quoted saying that “We look out for our own.” Piper’s visible horror at this statement of racist preference is met with amusement: “Oh, don’t get all PC on me. It’s tribal, not racist.” That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to racism.

Life After Prison

Throughout the seasons we can see some of the characters serve their time and be released. Unfortunately for many of these characters, we see this isn’t always a happy ending, but a bittersweet one. Many people believe that just because that the time has been served, then everything will be okay and they can return to their normal lives, be happy, and live like nothing happy. But just like the show portrays we know this is not the case. Just like in reality, we see so many former inmates struggle to adapt to life out of the prison.

For example, one character, Tasha "Taystee" Jefferson, was released after serving her time. Taystee ended up struggling to find a good job. When she did get a good job, she struggled with the low pay she was receiving as it was not enough to pay all the fees that came from serving time in prison. Not only that but Taystee also struggled to find a permanent resident to stay at. She felt like life behind bars was easier than the outside world. In prison, she at least had a guaranteed meal, bed, and medical care provided for her. Taystee ends up breaking her probation so she can be sent back to prison. The challenges, fees, and lack of support after being released make this all too common for many.

Adjusting to prison life can be very challenging and can take a toll on the mental health of many individuals. Thanks to Orange Is the New Black, there is light being shed on some of the major flaws in the broken system of prisons in America. From the tight housing, small budgets, the lack of proper rehabilitation while in prison, and the lack of support for those who have served their time. Something that was a shameful subject like crimes, prisoners, and jail, are now being humanized and prisoners and former prisoners are not being seen as actual human beings that need help in a broken system.



Wilkinson, Matthew, and Matthew Wilkinson (968 Articles Published)“Orange Is the New Black: 5 Things It Gets Right about Prison (& 5 It Doesn't).” ScreenRant, 20 Dec. 2019, Orange Is The New Black: 5 Things It Gets Right About Prison (& 5 It Doesn't) (

Smith, Jeff. “A Former Prisoner on What ‘Orange Is the New Black’ Gets Right - and What It Doesn't.” BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed, 17 Aug. 2020, A Former Prisoner On What “Orange Is The New Black” Gets Right — And What It Doesn’t (

Staff. “OITNB Helps Shed Light on Major Issues in US Prison System.” The Daily Athenaeum - West Virginia University, 16 June 2015, 4 Important Social Issues “Orange Is The New Black” Tackled This Season (

20 views4 comments


Bryanna ._.
Bryanna ._.
Dec 05, 2021

I loved watching this show as well! It felt amazing to see someone grasp the messages they were attempting to send to the world.


Heather Cubbifaux
Heather Cubbifaux
Dec 03, 2021

I liked this blog it painted this show in a whole new light ! i had trouble getting into oitnb when it was a new show a few years ago. I saw like 3 episodes and just gave up because the show didnt capture my attention and i couldnt get into it ... but reading this break down of it i might give it another shot during the winter break.


Victoria Nicole
Victoria Nicole
Nov 29, 2021

I remember watching OITNB years ago (never finished but I did get a few seasons in) and being really impressed with the way they chose to handle some of the topics on the show. It wasn't always the best but when they did it right, it felt so right. Great post!


Nov 29, 2021

I remember watching orange is the new black and feeling sad when my favorite characters ended up getting sent back to prison. I didn’t understand that it was a hard transition for most to make going back into the real world. You did an amazing job showing how the show shows the truth of prison life!

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